DEMO BYOC Divided Octave & FuzzDog Mootron

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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
I didn't tinker with these too much

Octave Divider mods-
  • C3 increased to 220p for more treble rolloff at the input
  • Ringer Diodes swapped to 1N5817
  • R16 decreased to 1k, R17 increased to 100k to make the Bass Only mode at least as loud as the clean signal
  • Opamps are all TL072
Mootron Mods (lost my notes, so this is from memory)-
  • Gain Pot decreased to 500k
  • R16 reduced to 100r for lowered attack time (not terribly noticable)
  • R3 increased to 150k for a bit more grit with higher Sens settings
  • R5 & R13 reduced to 10k (no 12ks on hand)
  • R26 and D4 jumpered
  • C3 is 33p (no 10ps)
  • C5 & C7 increased to 4.7n, C6 & C8 increased to 2.2n for overall fatter tone in either Hi or Lo modes
  • The one featured in the vid uses VTL5C1, as I prefer their response to the 5C3s
  • orca-image--1432845288.jpeg received_943832060088962.gif received_1374790166706262.gif received_624042769577962.gif received_783409066508733.gif
I actually built two of each of these simultaneously, but they're pretty much identical, save for a few parts types.
And, the second Mootron (not featured in the vid) also includes a fourth Notch mode, with an internal trimmer to adjust the balance between the LPF and HPF. This one also utilizes Macron 5C3s, which I'm not a huge fan of in this circuit
Both circuits were fairly straightforward builds. I did have issues with the silkscreen on the BYOC boards being smudged, though (they print the values instead of the parts designations, like PPCB so that was a pain).

The Divided Octave is rad for its synthy thump, and I feel like it sustains a lot better than some of the other Suboctave offerings. The octave up is pretty much a straight forward Green Ringer which is always awesome. The tracking is pretty damned amazing for being designed in the 70s, and it sorta handles multiple notes in an interesting way.
I'll try to do a shootout between this and the Octarock later today or tomorrow.

The Mootron is a rad take on the Mu-Tron III. I believe it incorporates MadBeans mods (Naughty Fish / Nautilus) to the circuit, and they all definitely come in handy. This circuit is incredibly sensitive to the vactrols used, with 5C3s being recommended. I like the 5C1 here for it's more aggressive handling of the envelope.
