Cataclysm delay feedback not working well and wall of noise


New member
Here some pictures of the board and front and back and off soldering showing

****problem description in comment****


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I have trouble finding what can be the problem here
My cataclysm delay ain't working right the feedback (repeats) level is always dimmed even at the lowest level or at any other position ,, it's always on self oscillating with a wall of noise in background , i can hear that the other pots are working has they should (mix, tone ,time ) only when i turn the repeats pots like 1 mm on , i can hear the delay working behind the wall of noise , but the minute i try to turn the repeats level it's automatically dimmed at 10/10 and when you turn the pots it's only changing the dynamic of the wall noise operating with the time knob for crazy noise self oscillating chaos .
Hey, man, just a couple of suggestions to help get you some help here:

First thing, you'll need some better photos. Not all of them are bad, but specifically you will want some photos both the solder side and the component side and you will want them to be straight on from the top.

You'll also want photos of the off-board wiring connections.

Some quick tips: if the solder side of your board is dirty with flux the first suggestion will be to clean it with some kind of cleaner. ISO alcohol or QD is what most people here seem to use. Cleaning may not fix the problem but it may make it possible to see the problem.

Make sure that your pots are insulated from the board. It looks like they don't have covers on them so you'll want to use some plastic or something that you can tape to the bottom of them to be sure that they aren't shorting anything out.

Re-flow solder. Sometimes a bad solder joint is what can cause problems. I have found this site to be super helpful in determining which joints might be suspect as well as tips on how to fix them.

Most problems are solved with visual inspection, which is why proper photos are so important. Make sure that all of your electros are pointing the right direction, that there aren't little bits of solder or clipped leads making connections, that sort of thing.
Hey, man, just a couple of suggestions to help get you some help here:

First thing, you'll need some better photos. Not all of them are bad, but specifically you will want some photos both the solder side and the component side and you will want them to be straight on from the top.

You'll also want photos of the off-board wiring connections.

Some quick tips: if the solder side of your board is dirty with flux the first suggestion will be to clean it with some kind of cleaner. ISO alcohol or QD is what most people here seem to use. Cleaning may not fix the problem but it may make it possible to see the problem.

Make sure that your pots are insulated from the board. It looks like they don't have covers on them so you'll want to use some plastic or something that you can tape to the bottom of them to be sure that they aren't shorting anything out.

Re-flow solder. Sometimes a bad solder joint is what can cause problems. I have found this site to be super helpful in determining which joints might be suspect as well as tips on how to fix them.

Most problems are solved with visual inspection, which is why proper photos are so important. Make sure that all of your electros are pointing the right direction, that there aren't little bits of solder or clipped leads making connections, that sort of thing.
Thanks alot really new to this , do appreciate all the tips :) i just updated the photos :)
Does it do it only when it’s boxed up? I’m guess a pot might be touching something it’s not suppose to
No actually im testing it with my
Pcb Circuit tester out of enclosure and it make noise and doest work well only on the feedback part it's all or nothing and there a wall of noise no matter what the position of the feedback "repeats" knob stop making noise when it turn off completely some say maybe a fried component, broken pots or didn't put the good part somewhere lol 😬😬😬😾🤔🤔🤔🤔
Check your electrolytic caps, make sure they have the correct orientation. There's one in your first pic on the lower left side that looks suspect. Maybe not though, it looks like you have an older revision board and the graphic has changed on the new one in the shop..
(I'm sorry it's very late. Or early..:sleep:)
Check your electrolytic caps, make sure they have the correct orientation. There's one in your first pic on the lower left side that looks suspect. Maybe not though, it looks like you have an older revision board and the graphic has changed on the new one in the shop..
(I'm sorry it's very late. Or early..:sleep:)
Hi , yeah i have the 1.1 version here's the board , they basically just reorganize the layout and changed to 1/4w resistors instead of 1/8w on the v1.2 pretty much .😶
Just check out the electrolytic caps and every polarized components orientation
Everything is good 😬 Thanks for your time and helping intentions

Cheers :)


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Check the repeats knob changes resistance as you turn it and check R14 the 22K

Put simply the repeats are fed back from the PT2399 output pin 14 to input pin 16 how much is controlled by the pot resistance and R14 the pots wired as a voltage divider so depending on which way you turn it, it'll either dump signal to ground or beast it through

When turned down you should have little to no resistance between between lugs 1 and 2 and turned up little to none between 2 and 3

It sounds like you're getting full signal all the time

It may just be something as simple as a dry solder joint e.g. pin 1 of the pot having no connection to ground and not dumping any signal

So I'd check everything between pins 14 and 16 all have good solder joints and keep my fingers crossed for you that it is something simple like a dodgy pot or dry solder joint!