Collateral FX SLOW (Big Muff content)

Guilherme Collateral

Well-known member
Like many here, I made a Kew Pie and REALLY liked it a lot, and I was working on a Stoner Rock voiced (even more voiced haha) Big Muff and I really enjoy set-and-forget DIP Switches, so I took some of the mods I already had for the Muff project to this, mainly adding gain. I had this idea for artwork where the name of the pedal would be the full art, and took some sabbathic inspiration for it, because why wouldn't I? I'm really glad how it came out. The painting is a sparkle orange, looks awesome in person, and the transistors are NOS Epoxy Dot ME4003.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-20 at 19.04.01.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-20 at 19.04.03.jpeg
This is amazing. I love the look so much and the internal dip switches.

What does the modes switch do? You said it adds more gain? How is that?
This came to my mind, the knobs and footswitch makes it hard to understand the first time around, but once you see it, you can't unsee it! I'll do a write up on the switches

This rules! As much as I love the arwork it's hard for me to actually read what it says. It does look super cool though. Can you explain the dipswitches?