DEMO Dark Rift Delay

This post contains an audio or video demo


Active member
This one is a lot of fun. I was getting kind tired of my DL4 mkii. Sure, it has a ton of models in it, but it sucks trying to grok it’s entire architecture when I’m in the middle of a frantic psychedelic jam. I just want all the controls, right in front of me.

The modulation adds a lot of dimension to the delay. I decided to use grey knobs on the mod controls for a subtle UI hint.

I still have a big bag of fatty bo-batty 1uf film caps, so they are stacked in there. That was the only thing that made the build tricky for me. Getting the pt2399 lined up with socket while it’s surrounded by towering caps.

I used it at a jam session. I’ll share the end, which is more melodic, and the beginning, which is psychedelic/abstract. In the beginning clip, some of the extra rapid warbliness is from a curds and whey.
