Dark Rift issue.


New member
I am only getting a dry signal with the pedal (engaged or off) and I checked the other posts but I am not finding my issue. My C8 is correct (although during assembly, I almost missed it!). I was poking around with an audio probe and noticed that the 78l05 was very hot. I measured incoming voltage at 8.2 volts (it's 9.1v at + on board) and the outgoing was 4.1v and slowly dropping. I replaced the power regulator and although it started getting hot, it initially gave me 4.96v out, but after about a minute,it started dropping as well. I unplugged the power after it dropped to 2.8v. I then tried replacing C23 but I'm getting the same results. Any suggestions on what to check next would be appreciated.
If the regulator is getting hot and not able to maintain voltage almost certainly something in the 5V part of the circuit is shorting and drawing too much current. Look for solder shorts or component legs shorting, they are the most likely problem. If not, then you may have a bad component.
I checked for shorts and couldn't find any, but then I checked the resistance between pins 1 and 3 on the pt2399 and it was 67 ohms. I pulled a known working chip, resistance between pins 1 and 3 was about 10k. So now with a good pt2399 I am still getting the dry signal, but the wet signal is nothing but a ticking sound. If I adjust the time pot I can hear the ticks get swooshed together and pulled apart by the delay, but nothing musical is coming out. I'll keep looking for any shorts or bad joints, but if anyone has any advice on what to check I appreciate it.