Decimator II (G-String) VCA Noise Gate


Well-known member
Today's accomplishments - a pair of Decimator II optical noise gates.

Decimatore_Done_00.jpg Decimatore_Done_01.jpg Decimatore_Done_02.jpg Decimator_PCBs_Populated.jpg

These are identical circuit-wise and are very good at noise reduction. They are wired with four jacks for optimal usage on pedalboard. (See the wiring diagram.)

Decimator_Wiring_Diagram.png Decimator_Connection_Options.png

Five days ago I posted a pair of STFU Noise Gate builds and in comparison, they two different circuits perform identically. The primary difference between the two is that STFUs have a smaller footprint, fewer parts count and are true-bypass. The Decimators on the other hand have the larger footprint, higher parts-count and is 'always on', actin g like a buffer when not engaged. And in fact, the Decimator's stomp switch merely jumps the wiper of the control pot to ground when "disengaged" - effectively just setting the control pot to the far left counter-clockwise position. (See schematic and wiring diagram.)


Both the STFU and this Decimator circuit are great for dealing the high noise-floors of a large pedal chain. And both are actually soft gates - meaning that they don't slam shut like a "gate" usually does. These have a nice, rapid downward taper.

Happy building!
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Nice work. Looks great. So, which do you prefer? The STFU or the Decimator?
Thanks! With both circuits performing identically, yet each having distinct connection options, I'd say having one of each is actually the most flexible. With the STFU having true-bypass and the 'always-on' buffering of the Decimator, I'm hard-pressed to decide on just one.
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