delay that repeats forever but doesnt make the repeats louder when on high feedback?

are there any pedals or examples in general that are like that, i've trying to research a like infinite loop machine but i couldnt rlly find anything like that
Probably a looper just using short loop. I haven't heard delays do it without feedback.... But then again, I'm not much of a delay guy
Granular delays/microloopers can do it. Pedals like Red Panda particle, CBA mood, Hologram microcosm, Pladask etterslep and baklengs, etc. There's lots of free software granular effects if you don't need it in pedal form.
I used to own a crappy Zoom delay back in the late 90’s that was just a clean digital delay and could do exactly that. Basically layer sounds on top of each other without runaway delays or oscillation. So maybe any clean digital delay can do it? I’m not sure.