Demo: Fools! Your puny delays stand no chance for I journeyed to the craft aisle of my local Jo Ann Fabrics to obtain...THE GEARS OF TIME!!!

Wow, that's insane. I have one of those BuffnBlends but was planing to use as an effects loop in a delay pedal. I haven't even figured out how to use it yet.
You will want to wire the delay in series with the input. The send and return pads will serve as your effects loop.
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@Pauleo1214 hiw is the noise with this setup considering you have four digital pedals sharing the same power? I’m looking to build a multi pedal unit for a friend and I’m curious
@Pauleo1214 hiw is the noise with this setup considering you have four digital pedals sharing the same power? I’m looking to build a multi pedal unit for a friend and I’m curi
It's not bad to be honest but not perfect. There is some static that occurrs but only when you slow the repeat time and push the number of repeats to their max. I have not had much time to fiddle around with the pedal unfortunately.