Devi Ever Silver Rose (Dead End FX Brass Monkey)


Well-known member
I finished this up yesterday. I've had this board for a bit, but whenever I'd take the PCB out to look at it my eyes would glaze over. I'm not going to lie, this was one of my least favorite boards to populate.

I usually work on 2-4 different builds at a time. I'll go through and do all the resistors, wash the flux off, and the next day I'll do caps, etc. I keep the build docs handy and I'll look, see a 10K resistor and then I'll count how many 10Ks are on the board and put them in. But on this board I spent more time hunting part references on the PCB than anything else.

I also didn't love the control layout. My pots didn't match the drill template exactly (I had to nudge them a bit). It felt tight in a XX even, and I wanted the stomp as far away from the pots as possible (but still fit the stomp breakout board)... But it all came together in the end and I'm very happy with the result.

Photo Mar 10 2024, 2 21 09 PM.jpg
Photo Mar 10 2024, 2 21 22 PM.jpg

I did the art to match my other Devi pedals, here's my collection (so far, I do have a populated PPCB Legend as well but I think I have those sounds covered with the Soda Mizer...):

Photo Mar 10 2024, 2 25 21 PM.jpg

After I finished it I ordered 7 more PCBs from Dead End FX (mostly Lastgasp Arts stuff) so take my belly aching above with a large grain of salt.

I like it way more than I thought I would. The parallel mixing of the two fuzzes, and then the fuzzes with clean is the mutt's nuts. I know the V2 Silver Rose is a transistor Big Muff (Eau Claire Thunder) but I'd imagine a Mayonaise and FZ2 in this same setup would be world destroying :)
Nice build(s)!

I've been fiddling with a GCI parallel/ series switcher lately, plunking in various combinations to see if I like anything in both parallel and series, making the $25 switcher worth using. The best thing I've found so far is a tall font muff with a dark meathead on the other side. I let a buddy try it in my test rig yesterday and he asked me send him links to where I got all the bits so he could have his own. Parallel fuzz IS awesome.
Love the aesthetics: simple clean bold.
That 1590XX lines up so nicely with the 1590N1s, great group shot.

While I'm not keen on the overtly large PCBs of DEFX, I nonetheless love many of the circuits offered and have a half dozen or so;
Seeing your Silver Rose build makes me want to get that PCB, too, now.

I've got the Dwarfcraft Pink Kittens (aka Big Distortion Sound Machine), a Ruiner & Torn's Peaker in parallel —
indeed parallel fuzz is killer.
Great build! I love this circuit and parallel fuzz in general.

You can put any fuzzes in parallel by playing through 2 amps ... ;)🤘