Diode 1N4678 replacement


Active member
Hi all,

quick question for the brains trust. I've been looking for a 1N4678 diode local to Australia and I'm pretty much exhusted my limited resources. I have got some 1N4679 diodes handy and as far as my very limited knowledge goes, the oly difference is that it is 2V instead of the 1.8V of the 1N4678. Will this be ok as a substitute in the stockade circut?

Thanks guys.
Yep, as @Cybercow said, you should be good with a 1N6479 without any audible difference. However, since this is just a clipping diode, feel free to experiment. There isn't a wrong answer. You can sub out pretty much any diode. The results may be different, but you might just like them.
I know nothing about sourcing in Australia (how do you guys have the best psych rock on the planet the past few decades, btw??) but Mouser australia has the 1N4614 in stock which is also a 1.8 zener. Red LEDs can also fall in the same range for clipping diodes.

All of that said, what @Cybercow and @chris.knudson have said is spot on and are better answers to the bigger question you’re asking here.
Thanks guys, we do happen to have some quality psych rock! Mouser and digikey intimidate me a bit, never sure what I'm buying, I have just been using mostly tayda, but I think it's probably time to man up and just go with it.
Thanks guys, we do happen to have some quality psych rock! Mouser and digikey intimidate me a bit, never sure what I'm buying, I have just been using mostly tayda, but I think it's probably time to man up and just go with it.
If you know what you're looking for and can find it on Mouser, their parts are quality. You really can't go wrong with Mouser or Digikey. My biggest frustration with them is that once a part is obsolete or out of production, they become unavailable pretty quickly, and it isn't always easy to find out what you can sub out for it. There's also nothing wrong with Tayda, you can find just about everything you need at reasonable prices -- certainly can't beat that.