Well-known member
So I was bored and decided to measure the silicon diodes I have on hand via three different devices and stick the results in a spreadsheet. Yup that's how we roll in the Octpuss house exciting as fook. Hopefully these are useful to someone and if you have any fancy silicon diodes not included in this then add them here along with the mA they were measured at.
On hand at the minute I've got some
1N4148 - Yellow painted glass from 70s
MA858 - 2 yellow stripes with mark on the cathode lead
MA859 - Blue and black stripes with mark on the cathode lead
BA282 from in 2016
BA282 from Smallbear in 2020
I included both BA282 batches because the batch from smallbear are all consistently lower fv than the ones I have left from my last order in 2016.
On hand at the minute I've got some
1N4148 - Yellow painted glass from 70s
MA858 - 2 yellow stripes with mark on the cathode lead
MA859 - Blue and black stripes with mark on the cathode lead
BA282 from in 2016
BA282 from Smallbear in 2020
I included both BA282 batches because the batch from smallbear are all consistently lower fv than the ones I have left from my last order in 2016.

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