DUO-PHASE Led light intensity


New member
Hello everyone! Here is my finished assembly. No hum, no noise in the switches, I am happy, but I do not have the same light intensity in the LDR LEDs and I wonder what implication of this in the output sound?

The trimmers do not allow the less intense LED to reach the same level of light intensity as the most intense LED. The trimmers act but are not sufficient to increase the intensity of the LED concerned.

The LFO flashing of led B is almost visually absent, . The effect is less intense in B.
in the ears the LFO acts less, in the led too

What is better? To get closer to the highest light intensity? Should I look at the 2K2 and 220k resistors, check if mine have significant differences in values? English is not my first language so I have difficulty finding information on light intensity and LED colors...

PS : no footswitch because used with hands...
PS : still aesthetically raw because barely finished

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