Duocast / Hudson Broadcast (Dual Footswitch)


Well-known member
This sat very nearly finished on my bench for like a month *shakes fist at 120 uf electrolytics* (mind your BOM peoples!), so boxing this one up felt incredddibly satisfying.

In the limited amount of time I've had to play around with her, I really dig it! Like, really really dig it.. I guess people either hate this circuit or love it, looks like I'm in the love it camp.

Now granted - I always fall for new builds, so that's the grain of salt - but through a vintage tele > clean twin it's super transformative (i.e. the output does NOT sound like a tele through a twin). Really dynamic response to pick attack. I've yet to fiddle with the trimmers, but will update here if any revelations occur.

The transistor I used is a NOS Sanyo 2SA202. Didn't write down the exact specs, but it tested appropriate for Q1 FF (hfe mid 70s, leakage <300).

Tayda UV print on Winked Silver powder coat w/ varnish gloss. I was going for a fuzzy TV look behind the graphic, and think the result is pretty effective!

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