elctro vibe noise


New member
my elctro vibe pedal has noise even when not power on when i activate boost or fuzz the hum has lfo even when the pedal turn off
yeah.. that's a fairly ambiguous build if your new... Your soldering definitely needs some work.. Don't worry.. you just need some practice. I see a lot... like a lot of cold joints. You should see your solder wick to both side of the pcb... i can tell your not staying in the heat long enough because you don't have many joints where the solder is wicked through on your resistors... I also see some stray strands of your twisted wire near your break out boards... your vibe switch is pretty wonky and that could be having some issues with your wires touching stuff too... if your drilling was off you may can cheat them a little with washers covering a bigger hole... IMG_4937.jpeg