Finished an 18watter!

Where is a good place to get transformers now? Triad looks about done, and what I do see, the pricing has gone up a lot since I was working on amps.
I used a set of Hammonds on my 18 watt. No complaints at all, though I have yet to love them as much as the Classic Tone in all of my other builds. I've toyed with rebuilding my Matamp using Mercury metal but the sticker shock is a bit astounding.

Mojotone is a good place to grab Heyboer iron when in stock. For Fender style builds I believe Bryan Sour from Sour Amps is making some nice boutique iron though he may just be doing OTs at this point.

Losing Classic Tone has been a giant bummer.
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I never got to try Classic Tone. :-( I have used Mercury for years because of the oddball variety. I love their fatstack power trannies. They do a range of B+ voltages for some of the more popular amp circuits. Heyboer are just as good but it depends on who specifies the transformers. I've used plenty of Mojo-Heyboer and some are just ok. When people like Marstran or GDS specify them they can be wonderful. I have even bought Victoria transformers from Victoria - pretty sure they're made by Heyboer.

Mercury are frustrating because they are good but over-priced and right now they are difficult to get because the guy I used to deal with, Patrick Selfridge isn't there any more and whoever they get to do that job just isn't as switched on or knowledgable. The transformers are excellent though and usually nicely finished. Not so important for a transformer I guess but the Mercurys do look good.
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