Funny business with 1% film resistors, not being close to 1%

Do you have a DMM that can test resistance for a quick sanity check?
Will test tonight

Just for fun, what does it read when you measure a piece of wire?

1.21 gigawatts!!! I will check this out tonight as well, that is a great idea.

The issue is, if it is wrong it is both ways. There are components that are spot on with this reader, others are way off. So.....if the parts are way off because the tester, I assume the ones that are spot on are way off.

We will see what the tests say.
Normally, I'd agree, but with 10 other values as well?:
If they're all part of the same batch or from the same seller, absolutely.

Though I'll caveat that sometimes a measuring device will become increasingly inaccurate as one moves outside it's "optimal range".

Like bourdon tube gauges that read at their highest accuracy in the middle of their travel.

For something like this, I imagine they're applying a relatively low voltage across the terminals and performing multiple computations in determining the result. If this device isn't particularly sensitive to minute changes in current, it's possible that it could become increasingly inaccurate as resistance increases.