Gauging General Breadboard Interest


Breadboard Baker
Since I've started pedal building a few years ago I have been taking a lot of time to learn about circuits, general theory (what do resistors/capacitors/transistors/opamps, etc do) in addition to general building. This slowly obtained knowledge has given me the itch to go buy a breadboard and try out a lot of what I've been learning. Over the past year or so I've been stocking up on additional components (i.e. if a pcb needs 2 of a certain part I'll buy 10 parts) and I've got a pretty good assortment at my disposal. Since I've gotten my breadboard I haven't soldered up a circuit in almost a month!! More days than not I take the time to breadboard up a circuit and get a new "pedal" to play with almost every night! I know breadboarding is only temporary for whipping up a circuit and if I really like what I'm hearing I will commit to a PCB or stripboard, but I'm having a lot of fun right now.

Can anyone else here relate to this or does everyone here think I'm crazy cuz I'm not soldering? I know this is a PCB forum rather than a breadboarding forum, but the community here is phenomenal compared to some of the other sites out there.
I have two boards that have been wired for a while: an FZ-1, and a TB V-828. I have been tweaking both for months. I plan to properly build both pedals soon: the FZ-1 will be pcb (the Mister Fuzz), while I hope for the TB to be my first perfboard build.
I have been stalling on both, though, in order to breadboard new circuits. Each Friday morning I try something new. Tomorrow will be a Fuzz-Rite. Or maybe a Muff fuzz…
I have two boards that have been wired for a while: an FZ-1, and a TB V-828. I have been tweaking both for months. I plan to properly build both pedals soon: the FZ-1 will be pcb (the Mister Fuzz), while I hope for the TB to be my first perfboard build.
I have been stalling on both, though, in order to breadboard new circuits. Each Friday morning I try something new. Tomorrow will be a Fuzz-Rite. Or maybe a Muff fuzz…
I was planning on making a tutorial for the Mini-Muffin Fuzz either today or tomorrow. A simple circuit screaming for tone stacks and a few other mods.

Thanks for sharing!
I was planning on making a tutorial for the Mini-Muffin Fuzz either today or tomorrow. A simple circuit screaming for tone stacks and a few other mods.

Thanks for sharing!
There’s a Mark Hammer mod I found that I wanted to try. Great minds, I suppose.
I've got the PPCB op-amp mini-muffin circuit, BuddytheReow, might I suggest you breadboard the transistor version?

I'm hoping Mr PedalPCB will offer the transistor version as well, as I have a build-plan that involves using both circuits in one enclosure.
I breadboard all the time. For something like 6 months, I've been breadboarding a Tonebender MK II and a Fuzz Face in preparation for boxing them up.

I think I understand where you are. Your interest has simply shifted / expanded (at least for now). Follow that curiosity!

We'd all love to be adding a Buddyboard® pcb to our carts one day!
A dude can dream, right? Pretty sure I gotta earn more street cred before anyone approaches me for PCBs.

Haven't even touched designing/building my own PCBs yet. This rabbit hole keeps getting bigger!

A whole bunch of different things. There's a modded Rangemaster, a Ram's Head, a couple of fuzz faces (Ge PNP and Si NPN), Tone Benders MKI and MKII, Vox Tone Bender, Zonk Machine, Colorsound One Knob Fuzz, Chase Tone Secret Preamp...

A whole bunch of different things. There's a modded Rangemaster, a Ram's Head, a couple of fuzz faces (Ge PNP and Si NPN), Tone Benders MKI and MKII, Vox Tone Bender, Zonk Machine, Colorsound One Knob Fuzz, Chase Tone Secret Preamp...
... and you've fired them all up at the same time, right?
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