help on warent pedal


New member

Je souhaite commencer à construire la Delegate Compressor (The Warden) et j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un a une liste avec les références exactes de cette pédale, sur Tayada il y a tellement de références similaires que j'ai peur de me lancer. imbécile, si quelqu'un a déjà construit cette pédale, je lui serais reconnaissant pour son aide.

Voici les liens où j'ai essayé de trouver les composants électroniques, mais c'est très compliqué de trouver les bons.

Je remercie par avance toute aide d'experts.

Sorry, I forgot to translate the text.

I want to start building the Delegate Compressor (The Warden) and I would like to know if anyone has a list with the exact references for this pedal, on Tayada there are so many similar references that I'm afraid to start. fool, if anyone has already built this pedal I would be grateful for the help.
Here are the links where I tried to find the electronic components, but it is very complicated to find the right ones.
I thank in advance any expert help.

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Welcome! Here you can buy a whole set with all parts and the pre-drilled box. You may need some knobs, they are not included.

You should look also into the Boneyard mods!
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Pour les resistances, 1/4w metal c'est parfait, tayda a une liste ou tu entres en multiples de 10 les valeurs requises.

Pour les capaciteurs :
p = multilayer ou ceramic
n = polyester film box
u = si carre, poly film. Ex C2 et C16
u = si rond electrolitic ou tantalum, attention, ceux ci ont une polarité

Les autres, une recherche par numero de produit devrait t'aider.
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The kit might be a good way to start. You will become familiar with what the parts look like for example. Bon chance.
first of all thank you all for your answers which are very interesting, but the aim of the game is precisely to do research and even perhaps make mistakes during construction, the kit is a good idea, but it remains the last resort. As for Nicolas, his explanation helps me a lot, but again it raises questions, for example certain components are identical except the voltage like:


And that's where the complexity lies for me.
If anyone already has a ready-made list at TAYPDA, that would be great.
In any case, thank you all for your participation.
Since pedals are usually powered by either 9V (or sometimes boosted to 18V) 35V will be adequate for most pedals, and 50V will work fine too. Sometimes 50V are bigger though, so check the size.
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