I don't have a B2K pot, would placing a B5K pot in this Bit Commander cause some kind of international incident?

Here’s how I do it:
View attachment 76299
Just make sure to solder the resistor to the underside of the pot so that the top of the pot lies flat against the top of the enclosure.
Awesome man thanks, will the pot still have it's full sweep range or will it max out at half way and make no difference from mid way up? (Not a major).

I can likely find this answer elsewhere so tell me "jUsT gOoGlE iT" but how do I determine the resistor I want to use here?
Awesome man thanks, will the pot still have it's full sweep range or will it max out at half way and make no difference from mid way up? (Not a major).

I can likely find this answer elsewhere so tell me "jUsT gOoGlE iT" but how do I determine the resistor I want to use here?
Since a pot is a variable resistor with the listed value being the max resistance(B5k = 5kohm max with a linear taper) you can use a parallel resistor calculator online, there's probably even one where you put in the desired value and the value of the one you're trying to modify and it tells you the value of the resistor you need but I usually just use digikey's and guess until I get close enough. Pots usually have a pretty bad tolerance anyway.

Ps it should still have the full sweep range, but the taper can be altered, I've done it a couple of times and haven't noticed a horrible difference but I guess it's probably circuit dependent. Someone more knowledgeable will have to chime in on that one.
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