Integral preamp parts question


Well-known member
Hey guys. I’m in the process of part shopping for the integral preamp. Having trouble locating the transistors. Tayda has BC548. There’s no “C” at the like there is on the parts list. Will this transistor work? Also if you could suggest a 4.7uF box cap that would fit in C4. It looks like a tight fit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Just FYI, any low-noise, high gain transistor will work fine in this circuit. The transistor is run in a linear region and does not contribute anything to the sound. If you look at the original Integrated Preamp schematic, the opamp was a 741. Those little buggers are noisy and no doubt TC Electronics put the transistor there to boost the signal going into the opamp to lower the noise floor. There are much better opamps available now and the transistor is pretty much superfluous. But it wouldn't be an Integrated Preamp without it.
Just FYI, any low-noise, high gain transistor will work fine in this circuit. The transistor is run in a linear region and does not contribute anything to the sound. If you look at the original Integrated Preamp schematic, the opamp was a 741. Those little buggers are noisy and no doubt TC Electronics put the transistor there to boost the signal going into the opamp to lower the noise floor. There are much better opamps available now and the transistor is pretty much superfluous. But it wouldn't be an Integrated Preamp without it.
Thanks for the input. I’m slowly learning