DEMO It's just a Phase (Polytrog & Bloodstone)

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Beyond moving the toggles (and a couple pots) to footswitches, these are built according to the docs. Though I'm pretty sure I did something to the PolyTrog to slow it down in LFO mode, I can't recall what it was 🤷‍♂️

Think I've got the PolyTrog's envelope bias set to 6.6v.

The Bloodstone also has an expression input that supplants the Manual pot

Decided to get fancy and match the knobs to the mode switch LED colors, and I actually kinda dig the way it looks. Eddystone 1590j enclosures from HawkUSA

Both amazing circuits that went together without a hitch. Each offers a little something over the typical swept phasers. Highly recommended for fans of moving allpass filters

Fair warning- I'm garbage on the expression pedal

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