[Janky] Naga Viper


Well-known member
My New Year's pedal resolution was to finish up some vero boards I had planned a long time ago. The Naga Viper was on my backlog for a few years... in the meantime both PedalPCB and Aion released PCBs for this circuit, but I had already set aside the stripboard and parts for it, so was determined to keep the original plan.

Here's some real fodder for you IAIGF perfectionists out there:
No artwork ✔️
Rats nest of offboard wiring ✔️
White washer ✔️
Let's just say I'm not invested in making this build look good--its weak-ass-ness is its charm.

This is my first treble-boost style pedal, and man it rips.

IMG_20220130_093717912.jpg IMG_20220130_093727902.jpg

This enclosure is recycled from an early build (a silicon Easy Face, which seemed redundant once I built a Twin Face, so I pulled out the circuit and might use it in future combo build). One thing I'm proud of is fixing the issue that nagged me about this enclosure: the LED was noticeably off-center. I bumped the size up to 8mm, and by widening the hole got it centered.

Before After
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Scratch builds are always👍 in my book a lot more thought has to go into it. And +1 for handling the off center hole that can be a tricky deal sometimes.
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