King of Nothing, no sound when engaged.


New member
Really excited to put this together and felt like I did a pretty decent job building this beast, but I've messed something up along the way. Wondering if the fine pros here can help. I know, as a high voltage pedal, there needs to be some care when tinkering. I've read some of the other threads, but still can't work out what's wrong.

I get output in bypass, when I engage the pedal, my LED turns on, but I get no sound output. Any help would be greatly appreciated as im really stoked to get this running.


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So, one update, checking voltages, I get about 9.45 at the v+ pad, but I'm getting less than 9v (8.8v) on the cathode pad of D2. I know this is supposed to be the HV rail, so not sure where I went wrong.