Making a schematic from pics of a circuit


Active member
I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while now, and it just dawned on me to post a thread on here(I’m slow sometimes! What do you want?!😅) asking all you beautiful, incredibly intelligent people on here!lol is there any tricks or anything to help me figure out how to go from a pic of a PCB and the circuit traces to making a schematic?! I’m having a hard time with it. Thanks, in advance!
Is it a singles sided etch? Dual layer would be much more difficult.
You could try morphing the front and back photos to get the board of similar dimensions in each photo. Adobe Scan app on mobile does a good job of that and will output full page PDFs. Then invert the back photo where, if the two photos overlayed one another, the traces on the top and pads on the bottom would line up. Open each image separatelyand tab between them.
Keep in mind any hidden traces under components and vias.
Knowing basic building blocks of the circuit can help. Like, if it's a yats, you know those diodes by that opamp are likely in feedback path. That cap beside them, yep.
Good luck.