Breadboarding A Fuzzy Fox - Spectacular Failure!

If you're using a battery, you can forgo C100. That capacitor filters out dc ripple for cleaner power if plugging into a wall wart. If you wanted to put it in you can just throw it directly into the power rails. For the diode, you can attach positive battery to the diode and then the diode into the positive rail.

R100 and the LED are just the indicator light when the circuit is engaged. You'll need to hook up a switch for that. Do you need some pointers on that?
If you're using a battery, you can forgo C100. That capacitor filters out dc ripple for cleaner power if plugging into a wall wart. If you wanted to put it in you can just throw it directly into the power rails. For the diode, you can attach positive battery to the diode and then the diode into the positive rail.

R100 and the LED are just the indicator light when the circuit is engaged. You'll need to hook up a switch for that. Do you need some pointers on that?
Gotcha, that makes sense! So C100 would just plug directly in to the positive and ground rails, huh? Good to know!

I don’t think I’d need to add an LED to any breadboard, but it might not be a bad idea to know how that’d work. I appreciate the offer!