Also, heads up, many people report the Animal is noisy (both the Rockett purchased one and diy builds on vero) when using it for high gain. I myself have experienced this, I helped a friend put together one on vero, and I tried everything I could think of to reduce the noise without much luck. At the end of the day I think it's because it has a less aggressive clipping arrangement than most distortions. So, to achieve equivalent distortion as a pedal like a rat or ocd, it has to amplify the signal more, and any noise from the guitar gets amplified as well.
The less aggressive clipping arrangement on the Animal consists of back-to-back pairs (2 diodes in each directions, so higher clipping threshold), which are in the op amp feedback loop (softer type of clipping like Tubescreamer). A Rat has 1 diode in each direction (lower clipping threshold), and they are shunt to ground (harder type of clipping). No doubt this arrangement contributes to the open sound that people love about the Animal, (along with the minimalist EQ filtering), but the trade-off is a higher noise floor for equivalent distortion.
If anyone has any experience to the contrary with Animal circuits, or ideas to reduce noise, feel free to share.