Well-known member
Here is the Mercurial Boost I built. I really like this pedal. For whatever reason alot of guitar stuff wants to steal your midrange. I play mostly fingerstyle and feel like in the 800hz to 1.2Khz range is where alot of the tone I like lives. I think the Q is set at a pretty good point on this EQ but have had some other EQs(racks) where it is adjustable and kind of wish it was on this. Any other recommendations for parametric EQ pedals? I plan on doing the Aion L5 and IVP at some point as I feel like they might be a good fit for what I'm looking for but I imagine putting them at the end of the chain and sometimes it is nice to have an EQ near the front.
The build for this went easy. It was the first one I did in the build platform I designed and it made things easier for me.
I designed the artwork for this on Inkscape ,which I'm still learning, and imported into blender for the print. I think I may explore the style of artwork on this a bit further in future pedals. The design process for this took me maybe an hour which might be the fastest I have done one.

The build for this went easy. It was the first one I did in the build platform I designed and it made things easier for me.

I designed the artwork for this on Inkscape ,which I'm still learning, and imported into blender for the print. I think I may explore the style of artwork on this a bit further in future pedals. The design process for this took me maybe an hour which might be the fastest I have done one.