Missing Build Docs / Schematics

Can I/we get the basic BOMs for:
  1. British Royalty Overdrive
  2. Indiana Tweed Overdrive
If you have the schematics, too, that's even better.
BOMs are here, I'll get the schematics up as soon as possible.

I'm pretty sure an accurate schematic for the Tweed is already here on the forum somewhere.

That's absolutely awesome - many thanks, greatly appreciated!!!
BOMs are very helpful for me, so I can determine what parts I may need ahead of time.
I'll search harder for the Tweed schematic - I did find Vero layouts on Tagboard Effects & La Révolution Deux, and was guessing that your bias trimmers were 50k.
Cheers and thanks!

Note added:
OK, the Wampler Tweed 57 schematic is on La Révolution Deux at https://revolutiondeux.blogspot.com/2012/06/wampler-tweed-57.html
But I cannot locate a schematic for the British Royalty OD / Greer Royal Velvet Drive, so whenever you can share that it would be awesome.
I hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving holiday, and a well-earned break from de-gooping and tracing.
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Buffer on input, gain stage on output. (Both LND150 based)

I'll have the schematic posted in a day or two (although it might already be floating around here somewhere).

Waiting on a monitor to arrive for my desktop computer so I can get back to work on docs.
Has the new monitor arrived? ;)
build docs for adhd would be nice. I think it’s really just the bypass option between 1.7 and 2? I’m not 100% though. Board has I think 1.1 values on it.
Not that I need them -- I already built the pedal. But just to put it on your radar (if it isn't already) the ADHD Overdrive is still missing the build docs.