Moonn Space Is Fun - Deluxe Edition


Well-known member
This was definitely the most complex build I’ve done to date.

I have both the Feedback mod and the Drykill mod. Both are using the PPCB intelligent dpdt relay, which means I can do latching or momentary. On top of that, I have two feedback knobs, and the feedback switch switches between them.

Critical error #1: I had to consider where the belton brick would be in relation to these giant ass LEDs that I wanted to use. I thought I had a clever solution. The only problem was I was thinking of the brick’s orientation BACKWARDS. This was super close to stopping the whole build. Fortunately, I had just enough clearance with the whole PCB bent upward. The lid lightly touches the tippy-top film cap, which I tilted back to make it fit.


I used dual-lock to attach the relay boards to the enclosure. This was pretty handy, there was one point where I had to remove one and it snapped right back into place. Nice.

I certainly learned a few things along the way. I should get more colors of wire. And this one could have used more planning on the wiring. It started out cleanish and then got more wild as I got towards the end.

I’m glad I put in the extra effort though. I’m not sure if I would like this without any of the mods. They make it really fun to use.

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