Muffin Factory Settings Reference Chart

in a "it will be good for bass guitar" way, or a "the PA guy will hate you" way?

Well, just quoting the Mayonaise product page:
"It gives very strong low-end and violent feeling. Be careful not to kicked out from your band."
I've circled back around to this and was looking to use the Triangle version as my baseline for my build. After looking thru the Triangle value list in the Juansolo, Muffin Fuzz, and Mudbunny documents, I think the 820R value listed for R5 in all of them is a mistake. It should be 100R. It is R22 in the Kit Rae schematics.
A couple of questions...

1) Depending on what schematic you look at, sometimes the clipping cap and diodes are reversed. For instance, the Kit Rae and Muffin Factory schematics are one way and the Muffin Fuzz and Mudbunny are the other way. Does it matter?

2) The Kit Rae diagram below shows the filter caps as having "the most affect" (these are the Tone Wicker caps) but the Muffin Factory doesn't have a switch for them, but it does have a switch for the parallel resistors right below. Switching the resistor vaule adjusts the filter cutoff frequency and the gain, rather than just the cutoff. Is that correct?

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I've just realized that you can't do an EHX version with all up or down dip switches. Bummer.
It would have made a lot more sense to do caps in parallel and resistors in series and have the switch bypass one of the resistors.
I've circled back around to this and was looking to use the Triangle version as my baseline for my build. After looking thru the Triangle value list in the Juansolo, Muffin Fuzz, and Mudbunny documents, I think the 820R value listed for R5 in all of them is a mistake. It should be 100R. It is R22 in the Kit Rae schematics.

Version 1 BIG MUFF - TRIANGLE 66#8, R22 is 120Ω — this Muff has 3µF coupling caps.
Version 1 BIG MUFF - TRIANGLE 66#11, R22 is 100Ω
Muff Diver w/ Cornish Switch (based on a Triangle Muff), R22 is 835Ω
Mayonaisse triangle-clone is 100Ω
Tone Genius' Triangle version is listed as 820Ω

There's a bunch more for me to check, but I'm noddin' off, can't stay awake... Will come back to it, anon.
Version 1 BIG MUFF - TRIANGLE 66#8, R22 is 120Ω — this Muff has 3µF coupling caps.
Version 1 BIG MUFF - TRIANGLE 66#11, R22 is 100Ω
Muff Diver w/ Cornish Switch (based on a Triangle Muff), R22 is 835Ω
Mayonaisse triangle-clone is 100Ω
Tone Genius' Triangle version is listed as 820Ω

There's a bunch more for me to check, but I'm noddin' off, can't stay awake... Will come back to it, anon.
I'm not sure what you mean. The EHX Triangle versions listed on the Kit Rae site are all 100R, 120R, or 150R. The other BOMs have their Triangle versions as 820R. The next resistor over (kitrae R23) is usually 820R, so it is probably just an error. There are probably untold numbers of builds and even other BOMs with that error.
A couple of questions...

1) Depending on what schematic you look at, sometimes the clipping cap and diodes are reversed. For instance, the Kit Rae and Muffin Factory schematics are one way and the Muffin Fuzz and Mudbunny are the other way. Does it matter?

I'd like to know this as well. I just started populating a Muffin board according to a schematic from KItrae and was thrown off by this.