Muffler PCB file?


New member
Does anyone have, by random chance, the routed PCB file for the Muffler?

I'm asking because I want to build one but smaller to fit in a 1590LB enclosure, so I want to use surface mount components. This is my first time trying to design a PCB. I started by duplicating the schematic, easy enough, and then the time came to convert it to the PCB footprint...and I realize I'm in over my head here. Going from rats' nest to complete layout is definitely a skill that takes some developing, and a forty component board is way beyond what I can handle as a first timer.

Thus, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the already laid out file for the Muffler. I figure I can replace the footprints with the surface mount footprints in relatively the same spot, then start trying to move things closer together or on the other side of the board without messing up the existing routing too much.

edit: Judging by the reacts to this post I'm now this really such a bizarre question? Coming from the world of developing free software, it seemed pretty usual and normal to me.

edit 2: Ended up finding a perfboard layout, which shows all the routing.
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