Muzzle (Classic) - and yes I did a video demo of a noise gate...

Hey guys i just built the muzzle and i have some things i don’t understand. I made the one with 4 jacks but i could not really identify what the switched tip on my jack is. Like i have it wired now it works well with 3 cables: from Guitar i go into the input on top of the pedal and from the output to the amp. Now i take the amps fx send for the key input. I just don’t know How i would wire up with 4 cables.

Like i said it works well like this, but i feel like i don’t get the full potential. If i understand 4cable method right i would go into the key input from my Guitar and from the key out to the input of my amp? The top jacks i would wire into the fx loop? But if i do this i get e high pitched screaming noise.

I really appreciate any answers!
High-pitched screaming? Yoiks!

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