Muzzle (classic) only giving out the gated signal (works vice-versa)


New member
Hello everyone!

I am trying to get the Muzzle working, but I am stuck at the moment on what to do next. I can only get the gated signal (the noise) out of the pedal. This means, if I play the guitar the pedal turns quiet and the lower the guitar signal gets, the more noise gets out. This even correlates with the knob. If I am turning it up, the noise gets louder and if the knob is all the way down, I can barely get a signal through. The PCB I use for the THAT 4301 is selfmade but the same layout as the one on PedalPCB.

For troubleshooting I have bypassed the "switch" to ground in order to turn the LED on. The LED is not changing colours at all and stays allways on, but I assume this would be the case in the way I run it without a sidechain?

Something has to be "upside-down", but I can't see what it could be. Any help would be really appreciated.


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