Muzzle (classic) only giving out the noise signal and mutes when guitar is played (works vice-versa)


New member
Hello everyone!

I am trying to get the Muzzle working, but I am stuck at the moment on what to do next. I can only get the gated signal (the noise) out of the pedal. This means, if I play the guitar the pedal turns quiet and the lower the guitar signal gets, the more noise gets out. This even correlates with the knob. If I am turning it up, the noise gets louder and if the knob is all the way down, I can barely get a signal through. The PCB I use for the THAT 4301 is selfmade but the same layout as the one on PedalPCB.

For troubleshooting I have bypassed the "switch" to ground in order to turn the LED on. The LED is not changing colours at all and stays allways on, but I assume this would be the case in the way I run it without a sidechain?

Something has to be "upside-down", but I can't see what it could be. Any help would be really appreciated.


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The led should be indicating regardless of the pass through/key jacks, start by checking Q3 and Q4 is operating properly. And work your way back That’s my first suspicion there is really no reason you needed to socket the transistors in this application and there is a reasonable chance this isn’t your issue (or only issue)the sip sockets do remain suspect for a bad connection.
Huh, that’s actually something I’ve been wanting to make!

My plan for doing it was to build a muzzle classic, splitting the input, inverting the side that isn’t going to the circuit and then combining them at the end to get the behavior you describe.

I wonder if that’s effectively what is happening here…
I have already checked if all 2N3904 are connected properly and they are. You are right, I should not have put them into sockets, but I assume it's harder to solder out the sockets now. I have also checked all transistors if they are working correctly and are not defect and all of them are working properly and give out the correct values.

Furthermore I have exchanged both ICs, the TL072 and the TC1044S, for new ones and the problem stays exactly the same. Unfortunately I do not have any further THAT4301 boards here to check if that one is working properly.

What really bugs me is that the pedal is working absolutely correct but just vice versa. It gives out the negative signal (= only the noise that should be gated) and mutes as soon as the signal gets stronger.
What a sec where did you get the tl072? that one in your pic is a fake…. Never mind looking at the wrong IC. I could be mistaken but I don’t know if the tc1044 is a good sub for the tc1054… and unfortunately there might be an issue with your retrofit module
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I currently have a suspicion that the main mistake lies somewhere at the point where the sidechain is normally connected and where I bridged the Tip and 3rd pad. However, in all pictures where the sidechain was left out, these 3 pads were connected and also the build document refers to that. Generally it feels like I am transferring the sidechain signal to the output but I really don't understand where this is happening.
I had a similar problem (if I remember correctly) with the newer board and there was a trace that wasn’t connected between Q3 and Q4 just for 💩s and gigs check the board for continuity at these points.