Muzzle Resistor Substitute


New member
Just got a muzzle pcb. I have everything except 5K6 resistors, but I have 5K1 resistors on hand. Worth getting some 5k6 resistors or should I try the 5k1s? Thanks
I was about to say they'd be fine because it looks like they're just current limiting resistors to the bicolor LED, but they're also connected to the collector of Q4 so hopefully somebody can chime in.
R12 is also a 5k6 on the RMS out which has some effect on the threshold operation… as far I understand it , will it still work with a 5k1? It should how much will it affect the circuit operation? , Im not exactly sure. It’s only .5k difference so I imagine the effect might not be real noticeable , with R21 and R22 being the CLR for the bi-color led, it will be slightly brighter.
If you've got 11k resistors you can wire two of them in parallel. Or take your 5.1k and add a 470ohm right after it. It won't look pretty, but it will get the job done