My Soldering station died tonight

maybe someone know, say some words?
I will. 😞

Please, bow your heads...


Acnestis, capricious, ichthyology, redsmith, chinook, rutabaga, gerrymandering, pulchritude.

Organoleptic, diastolic, feckless, carbamazepine, quantitative, beans, as well as impignorate, duodenum, humanotone.

Ulotrichous, kerfuffle, impignorate, betwixt, tectonic, doxycycline, gochujang, expectorant and sesquipedalian, octothorpe.

Fettled, enzymatic, quadrilateral, ampallang, anfractuous, dithering, rambutan, fillet, claggy, bibliokleptism, alluvial, agelast, zounds.

Okay, that's more than a few, but... well, given the circumstances, it seemed fitting.
I feel like you folks are overlooking the fact that if I upgrade from my $15 weller pen with one setting that’s so old that they don’t actually make replacement tips for it anymore then I’ll have to take responsibility for my own poor soldering skills and not be able to blame it on the tool.