Feral Feline
Well-known member
I will.maybe someone should....you know, say some words?
Please, bow your heads...
Acnestis, capricious, ichthyology, redsmith, chinook, rutabaga, gerrymandering, pulchritude.
Organoleptic, diastolic, feckless, carbamazepine, quantitative, beans, as well as impignorate, duodenum, humanotone.
Ulotrichous, kerfuffle, impignorate, betwixt, tectonic, doxycycline, gochujang, expectorant and sesquipedalian, octothorpe.
Fettled, enzymatic, quadrilateral, ampallang, anfractuous, dithering, rambutan, fillet, claggy, bibliokleptism, alluvial, agelast, zounds.
Okay, that's more than a few, but... well, given the circumstances, it seemed fitting.