Need helping installing a treble bleed cap


Well-known member
I've got my PRS SE Hollowbody 2 apart, ready to install the 22nF treble bleed cap but I'm not sure which legs of the pot to solder it to. The volume is an a500 pot and the tone is a B500 pot. Adidditional there is what appears to be a resistor between the volume and tone pots. TIA PXL_20230107_211928182.jpg PXL_20230107_211921108.jpg PXL_20230107_211806915.jpg
I used a mirror on a stick to look in through the F hole. My pots look like this on the back:
Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 15.07.10.png
And I can see the base of the pot is almost against the underside of the top suggesting probably just a single locking washer.

I was just wondering with the pots and the black surrounds (which you’ve explained) if it had been worked on hence my question, and that the issue might be a mistake in the wiring or pot tapers if it had been rewired. It just helps to know that you didn’t buy it from new and maybe it had been worked on. Did you have to pull out several plastic cable clips that secured the wiring to the underside of the top? If not that’s either something they had added since yours was made or that someone has been in there before you.

The good thing is that it’s all reversible and easy now you’ve got it out to check it’s all wired as it should be and add your treble bleed. They are great guitars, love mine, I hope you get yours to where you want it soon.
Just had a second look inside mine, and apologies regarding the threaded section of the pots, mine too have three locking washers, damn hard to see with the mirror. So I was probably taking you down a rabbit hole unnecessarily, I’d guess the difference in pots is just an inventory thing and they are the same just stamped different for whatever reason.