New Production Germanium Transistors - What's The Scoop?

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I was thinking Synertek at first, as well, but I think Spi is spot in with Solid State Inc.

Thank you both for the links to logo-fest. I've DL'd the chart and made a PDF of the website from both your's and Spi's posts.

I'm wondering the same as Ginsly, but for GE diodes. I see 1N34A for sale on eBay from China. Don't care if they're authentic or anything, just wondering what they are or if they'd work. It's hard to stomach $2 apiece at SBP.
I bought a bag of 1N34A from China when I was still in Hong Kong, they looked like legit black-banded 1N34A but who knows, they could've been Schottky, still — however, given the number of duds mixed in with the bag, I'd like to think they're Ge.
Seems System General just took the Solid State logo and modded it slightly. 😸
