
I remember being a young tyke and going into Radio Shack for remote-control car stuff, but was mesmerised and bewildered by all the electronics bits which took up the vast majority of the store(s).
As I grew up, the parts section shrunk and by my early teens it was superseded by the consumer products such as CB-radios, ghetto-blasters, stereos, electronic toys etc. The last time I saw the parts area, you could've fit it in a couple bedroom closets.

Then it disappeared completely, never to return.

Then the RS shops disappeared, too.
I remember being a young tyke and going into Radio Shack for remote-control car stuff, but was mesmerised and bewildered by all the electronics bits which took up the vast majority of the store(s).
As I grew up, the parts section shrunk and by my early teens it was superseded by the consumer products such as CB-radios, ghetto-blasters, stereos, electronic toys etc. The last time I saw the parts area, you could've fit it in a couple bedroom closets.

Then it disappeared completely, never to return.

Then the RS shops disappeared, too.
And laser tag! I think I got mine from radio shack way back when…
My grandfather had such a thing in his garage and probably still is there if my relatives did not consider it junk, as they usually do)) I should go and check it out and get myself this beautiful rarity thing! 🥲
About 20 years ago there was a company in Melbourne (Victoria, Australia) which made an amp with the magic eye tube. I think it was Lab Systems.

Back in the '70s my brother would buy Electronics Australia and sometimes build projects published in it. I seem to remember he built a fuzz and a ring modulator. He was a terrible guitar player though - he just couldn't keep time. We had Tandy here where he would buy parts.

As far as NASA delivering, we had Skylab crash land in our state. The local council in the area it landed sent NASA a littering bill.