Ocelot Octave


Well-known member
So I built it all up played it before boxing. Couple days later box it up. Doesnt work. Open it up to find at some point boxing it up the 2n3904 fell out (oh I hear you all I used the good sockets!) . My question is ...If I applied power to the board without the 2n3904 in would that fry either of the 2sk30a's or either the cd4013 or cd4027? or fry anything on the board? thanks
Applying power to the board without the 2N3904 in should NOT fry either of the 2SK30a's, the CD4013, the CD4027? or anything on the board.

When using sockets with BJTs or FETs, I always gently "wrinkle" the ends of the legs that go into the sockets - using needle-nosed pliers. The slight 'wrinkling' of the leads makes them sit more firmly in the socket. When I know it's working correctly and I'm done stuff-testing the guts, I'll then lightly solder-tac at least of the legs of the socketed BJTs/FETs to the socket so they won't work free from the socket.

Hope this helps.