SOLVED Octarock lower octave volume


Well-known member
I just put together an Octarock. When I turn up the lower octave all the way, it's like 33% of the clean volume. I can barely hear it.

Also, the higher octave is significantly louder than the clean volume, and the upper octave is a bit distorted like a fuzz, whereas I've heard others claim it has a clean octave.

Is this an issue with my build or is it supposed to be this way? From other build reports I haven't seen such complaints.
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I think maybe this is a feature of the pedal, as I watched this review, right at the 5 minute mark, he turns down the clean and upper octave levels, leaving on the lower octave on. This also has the volume loss I'm hearing. 25 seconds later, I think he turns on something (likely a boost) to get the volume back up.

Also, when people said it had a "clean octave up" I was expecting something like what you hear in shimmer reverb. At 7:30 he plays with just octave up, and it's the same distortion I was hearing.

So I think I came into this pedal with different expectations, but it seems to be working fine.
