Park and Ride (with lasered enclosure)


I like to wire up the trim pot to an empty wah shell, and use it as a "poor man's wah" that doesn't need/use an inductor. Fun circuit
Great name for such a pedal, wish I'd thought of it.
Also, good use of upper and lower case to put the emPHAsis on the EYED.
Love the colour, the tilt to the eye is just right, all the aesthetics — such a good looking build!

Thanks for another laser-vid, too.
The trimmer allows you to adjust the intensity of the peak.

The peak knob sets the frequency center, turning right of center gives a brighter / higher "quack", left is darker /lower
The zone emphasizes the effect of the harmonics from low to high.

Peak at 2pm, zone at 4pm gives a perfect Money for nothing intro vibe