PedalPCB Parentheses Fuzz


Village Idiot
What sounds divine but looks like someone ran over last year's jack-o-lantern? Why it's Fig's Parenthesis build of course! :ROFLMAO:

The inside is much nicer, although I changed me mind (it's a girl's prerogative) last minute on the jackage and went with the KBLM3s and soft-wiring at the top. Oh and forgive the fluxy bits.

Stock build.

D1/D2 are Zenith 403-1 (1N60) and each have a Vf of .66
D8/D9 are black glass Valvo OA-7 and their Vf measured .33

As for what this pedal can do, it's likely all been said. Build one if you dare! Apparently it has an apparitional appetite for n00b :oops:


nice build as always! I have an old lm308n, but when I mount it the octave sounds strange (the rest is ok instead it sounds better to my ears), while with the classic op07 I don't have this octave problem. Do you have the pin voltages of your lm308?