Pendulum tremolo ldr alternatives


Well-known member
Hey everyone I’m about to build the peddling tremolo but tayda is out of the recommended ldrs.

Can I use one of the ldrs tayda does have which is the 5528 at the moment? I know they will work but I’m looking for maximum swoosh.

Alternatively I am about to do a mouser order. Will one available from there work well? What about a 9203?

I know stomp box parts or other places might have this oats but I can’ afford the shipping to Australia so am looking for an option from one of these places.

I’m unsure how the speed compares but these 2 from Mouser are at least in similar on resistance ranges to the 5516 (5k-10k)

The 5516 is also available on LCSC (JLCPCB’s component store). Not sure how bad the shipping is to Australia. The cheapest option is usually $10 to the USA.
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Thanks for these links. I have so much trouble searching Mouser. I added some of those to my order. Fingers crossed they are good, they have similar fall times to the 5516 but slower rise time. I'm sure they will be fine. Might socket them and see.