Pharmacist Overdrive Trim Breakout


Active member
Hey all,

I am going to be doing a Pharmacist OD but I want to bust out the trimmers. One of the is 200k and for the life of me I can’t find a 200KA pot. Will 250 be ok ?

Thanks in advance.
Digikey, Tayda (ebay and Amazon), and several other vendors have B200k in split-shaft.
Since it's a trimmer being bust out, then you don't need the long legs of a PCB-mount.

Why A200k?
The trimmer is B200k, why not go with a B200k?

250k would do, but it will change the EQ point at the far end of the dial.

Sharvie has one with a plastic shaft.

You could also use a dual-gang 100k, and bridge the first gang's lug 2 to the second gang's lug 3.
Input goes to the first gang's lug 3, and the output comes from the second gang's lug 2...

Wait, that won't work as lug 1 isn't going to ground.

Another option is to go with a 500k pot and stretch a 360k resistor across the outer lugs, gives you 209k
330k across the 500k pot will get you 198.8k.​
take a 250k pot and put 820k across the outer lugs and you've got 191.59k; a 910k resistor across a 250k pot gives out 196.12k
a 250K pot with a 1M resistor across it will give you ...

200k !​

The taper of the pot will be a little wonky compared to a straight A200k.
Read Keen's The Secret Life of Pots for what constitutes "wonky".

It's a bass control... it's not like anybody uses those or needs them.
I'd just go with B200k.
Digikey, Tayda (ebay and Amazon), and several other vendors have B200k in split-shaft.
Since it's a trimmer being bust out, then you don't need the long legs of a PCB-mount.

Why A200k?
The trimmer is B200k, why not go with a B200k?

250k would do, but it will change the EQ point at the far end of the dial.

Sharvie has one with a plastic shaft.

You could also use a dual-gang 100k, and bridge the first gang's lug 2 to the second gang's lug 3.
Input goes to the first gang's lug 3, and the output comes from the second gang's lug 2...

Wait, that won't work as lug 1 isn't going to ground.

Another option is to go with a 500k pot and stretch a 360k resistor across the outer lugs, gives you 209k
330k across the 500k pot will get you 198.8k.​
take a 250k pot and put 820k across the outer lugs and you've got 191.59k; a 910k resistor across a 250k pot gives out 196.12k
a 250K pot with a 1M resistor across it will give you ...

200k !​

The taper of the pot will be a little wonky compared to a straight A200k.
Read Keen's The Secret Life of Pots for what constitutes "wonky".

It's a bass control... it's not like anybody uses those or needs them.
I'd just go with B200k.
Hey there, I’m in the UK so unfortunately can’t order from any of those places.

I’ve made an absolute presumption that all the trims are log as the rest of the pots are. The trims just say 200k, 5k and 1k. Would this make them all linear in absence of a a,b or c ???

Bloody confused now 🤦🏼‍♂️
Tayda ships worldwide, I'm sure Digikey would ship to the UK....

Maybe some UK brethren (or sistren) can pipe up on where to source ...

@JamieJ , got any recommends?