
Chuck D. Bones

Circuit Wizard
My take on the FullTone PlimSoul. I liked the idea of what Mike Fuller was attempting with the PlimSoul, but found a different way to accomplish the "amplifier sag" behavior (and skirted his patent in the process). Like the PlimSoul, this is basically an SD-1 driving a Rat. In addition, I split the dual STAGE2 pot into separate controls: DRIVE & CRUNCH. DRIVE sets the gain of the 2nd stage. CRUNCH control the intensity of the diode hard limiting. I increased the gain range of the 2nd stage. I also changed the TONE control to the AMZ-type. The Aqua LED indicates ON/OFF, the red LED flickers with the "sag." I'm going to have to either make a decal or hand letter this thing because the labels just don't work on a shiny case. But it sounds good.

PimpSoul front 03.jpg
No. 1st stage is a soft clipper with asymmetrical diodes, like an SD-1. 2nd stage is a hard clipper followed by treble cut, like a Rat. The 2nd stage does not have the Rat's characteristic bass response shaping, but is otherwise, very similar. Call the 2nd stage a Distortion+ with a tone control if you prefer. Here's the PlimSoul v2 sch. This is not what I built, but close enough for illustrative purposes.

Fulltone plimsoul v2.jpg
Ah okay. That’s a bit different than what I had seen. The bass response was in the first stage and a few things had been moved around a bit. Thanks for the rundown! What schem did you use out of curiosity?
It's mostly like this. I'll share the sag design or not depending on whether I decide to submit a patent application. Right now, I'm leaning toward no patent application.
"The only downside is the numbering goes around 360° from zero to nine but the typical pot rotation is 300°. While Nigel Tuffnel's might go to 11, these only go to 8.3. ?"

Well why don't you make 10 the loudest? Start at 1.7?
I had similar knobs that I got local for my eyelet board Lumpy's Lemon Drop build a couple of years ago.
I ended up putting them on a 1/4 inch Shaft in my Drill & polished the numbers Off with 0000 steel wool.
Replaced with Black Pointer cut from Black Adhesive Vinyl.

seVen Custom Overdrive Fuzz Pedal 1.jpg