Power LED


Active member
Hi, I'm building a pedal, specifically the Special Overdrive. I'm also using a 3PDT breakout board, but I can't work out how or where to wire the power indicator LED and current limiting resistor. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
All of the PCB's I've built here have the CLR at 4k7. Sometimes it's the only resistor of that value on the board so it's usually easy to spot and adjust if you so fancy, which I often do if using a super bright clear indication LED.
All of the PCB's I've built here have the CLR at 4k7. Sometimes it's the only resistor of that value on the board so it's usually easy to spot and adjust if you so fancy, which I often do if using a super bright clear indication LED.

So what you are saying is if the LED is way to bright just lower the value of the resistor..correct ?

Also one other question , ive seen that LED's are on a circuit board , are all those RED and do you solder them in like a cap or res tight to the board ?

So what you are saying is if the LED is way to bright just lower the value of the resistor..correct ?
If the LED is too bright I increase the 4k7 to around 47k. I only do this when using most colors of the clear super bright LEDs that nearly blind you. When using a diffused LED I leave it at 4k7. The only exception for my taste is when using a clear super bright UV LED (really, just purple) I leave it at 4k7.

Also one other question , ive seen that LED's are on a circuit board , are all those RED and do you solder them in like a cap or res tight to the board

The indicator LED can be any color you fancy and is usually soldered last when test fitting it into your enclosure. It would be soldered on the opposite side so it faces where the pots face.
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Oh, I think I missed this. There are two LEDs on this board. D1 is a clipping diode. Leave it red and solder it on top like you would a cap or resistor. The other one is the indicator LED and it's corresponding CLR that Mr. PedalPCB highlighted in the picture above and what I was first talking about.
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