Pyrocumulus Fuzz not powering immediately

Hi all!
Have a curious thing happening with this awesome fuzz. I've built two now, and love it so much, but now they both seem to be having the same problem, and so here I am.
Basically, upon powering the pedal, it doesn't really work right away. You can faintly hear the signal when playing, and the volume sweep barely changes the volume. After a few minutes it seems, the pedal is suddenly fully functional and all is well.
It almost seems like it takes a while to fully "charge" and reach its maximum capacity to actually work.
Does this sound right?
Any suggestions which part may be malfunctioning if any? Or where I have erred?
None of my other pedals I have built have this problem, so I'm at a stand still.
Another issue may be both of these have been daisy-chained before (I don't do that, but my friend who borrowed both of them does). Would this somehow affect any components?
Thanks for any advice on what could be wrong or experiments to see what could be the root of the problem!
You should take the board out of the enclosure and see if it works. If it does, it may mean that something is grounding against the case when it is installed. And while the board is out of the case, take a picture of the other side and post it.