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So I've been playing around with the Rat circuit a bunch lately and have found I really like the sound with germanium clippers. The only thing is, it drops the volume quite a bit with how hard it's clipping.
Would it be possible to tweak things around a bit with the JFET buffer to instead act as a bit of a boost? Something like a 22k resistor or a 50k trim in between the 9v and the drain (to achieve ~4.5v) and connect the 1uf to the drain as seen below. Would there be any problems with doing this or unintended consequences? I do have this mocked up on a breadboard and am happy with the extra volume but I feel like I'm missing something here.... Any insight is appreciated!
Would it be possible to tweak things around a bit with the JFET buffer to instead act as a bit of a boost? Something like a 22k resistor or a 50k trim in between the 9v and the drain (to achieve ~4.5v) and connect the 1uf to the drain as seen below. Would there be any problems with doing this or unintended consequences? I do have this mocked up on a breadboard and am happy with the extra volume but I feel like I'm missing something here.... Any insight is appreciated!