Red Herring


Well-known member
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About the fish sticker: I found a set of 50 sea-related stickers from aliexpress that, with a coupon, cost me 25 cents, including shipping from China. (For reference, a US postcard stamp costs 40 cents). I have no idea how the economics of that works out, but I feel like I exploited somebody there.
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About the fish sticker: I found a set of 50 sea-related stickers from aliexpress that, with a coupon, cost me 25 cents, including shipping from China. (For reference, a US postcard stamp costs 40 cents). I have no idea how the economics of that works out, but I feel like I exploited somebody there.
Looks great. And the cost of living is still very low in China, so worthless pocket change to us decadent Westerners is worthwhile money in China.
I like this! What board is in there?
Based on the Menatone Red Herring. It's similar to an SD-1, but without input and output buffers and the tone stack is a bit different. The cut and bite knobs give a lot of control over how the breakup sounds. I think it's designed to be less mid-forward than a TS, and it sounds that way.